
This section allows to filter GATT dispute settlement reports by various key criteria, including their adoption status. The relevant report and adoption documents can be downloaded by clicking on their document symbols. 

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Date of initiation
31 - 45 of 136 results
GD Dispute title Complainant Respondents Third Party Adopted Report Symbol (Date) Adoption Symbol (Date)
GD/64 Italian Import Restrictions Affecting Israeli Exports Yes
GD/66 Uruguayan Recourse to Article XXIII (II) Yes
GD/67 Exports of Potatoes to Canada Yes
GD/71 Uruguayan recourse to Article XXIII (III) Yes
GD/72 Turkey - EEC Customs Union Council took note
  • C/M/35 (02/03/1967 - 04/03/1967)
GD/75 United States - Export Subsidy on Unmanufactured Tobacco Yes
GD/76 Jamaica - Margins of Preference Yes
GD/79 Greece - Preferential Tariff Quotas to the USSR Yes
  • C/M/65 (02/12/1970 - 03/12/1970)
GD/81 United Kingdom - Import Restrictions on Cotton Textiles Yes
GD/82 United Kingdom - Dollar Area Quotas Yes
GD/83 United States - Income Tax Legislation (DISC) Yes
GD/85 Income Tax Practices Maintained by France Yes
GD/86 Income Tax Practices Maintained by Belgium Yes
GD/87 Income Tax Practices Maintained by the Netherlands Yes
GD/92 Canada - Withdrawal of Tariff Concessions (Lead and Zinc) Yes