Search by Claims and Defences

Claims and defences addressed in report by the adjudicator

This section allows to filter information concerning the claims and defences addressed by the adjudicator in the relevant report. Click on the "Initially Raised" tab to see the claims and defences initially raised by the parties. Click on the (+) sign to expand the information under the different categories and subcategories. 

Date of initiation
No Agreement Stated.
Provision Provision type N° of Disputes Disputes
Defence 1 10051
GATT 1947
Provision Provision type N° of Disputes Disputes
Defence 1 9817
Protocol of Provisional Application (PPA)
Provision Provision type N° of Disputes Disputes
Defence 1 9940
Tokyo Round Codes
Government Procurement
Provision Provision type N° of Disputes Disputes
Defence 1 10059
Subsidies and Countervailing Measures
Provision Provision type N° of Disputes Disputes
Defence 1 9922
Trade in Civil Aircraft
Provision Provision type N° of Disputes Disputes
Defence 1 10020
Protocol of Accession
Spain's Protocol of Accession
Provision Provision type N° of Disputes Disputes
Defence 1 9916
Thailand's Protocol of Accession
Provision Provision type N° of Disputes Disputes
Defence 1 10031
Declaration on the Provisional Accession of the Swiss Confederation to the GATT
Provision Provision type N° of Disputes Disputes
Defence 1 9868
Ministerial Declaration (BISD 29S/11)
Provision Provision type N° of Disputes Disputes
Defence 1 9945
Provision Provision type N° of Disputes Disputes
Defence 1 9866
Protocol - Torquay
Provision Provision type N° of Disputes Disputes
Defence 1 9862
Ankara Agreement (Turkey-EEC)
Provision Provision type N° of Disputes Disputes
Defence 1 9879