
This section allows to filter GATT dispute settlement reports by various key criteria, including their adoption status. The relevant report and adoption documents can be downloaded by clicking on their document symbols. 

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Date of initiation
1 - 15 of 136 results
GD Dispute title Complainant Respondents Third Party Adopted Report Symbol (Date) Adoption Symbol (Date)
GD/1 Report of Working Party 7 on the Cuban Schedule Yes
GD/3 Brazilian Internal Taxes Yes
GD/4 Article XXI - United States Exports Restrictions Adoption rejected in a vote
GD/5 Australia - Subsidy on Ammonium Sulphate Yes
GD/9 Assured Life of Tariff Concessions with regard to Article XIX / US - Fur Felt Hats Yes
GD/10 Belgium - Family Allowances (Allocations Familiales) Yes
GD/11 United States Import Restrictions on Dairy Products Yes
GD/13 Greece – Increase of Import Duties of Products Included in Schedule XXV Yes
GD/14 Treatment by Germany of Imports of Sardines (Brisling) Yes
GD/15 Greece - Special Import Taxes Instituted by Greece Yes
GD/17 United States Export Subsidy on Sultanas Reports not submitted for adoption
GD/18 Netherlands Action under Article XXIII:2 to Suspend Obligations to the United States Yes
GD/21 Brazilian Compensatory Concessions Yes
GD/22 French Special Temporary Compensation Tax on Imports Yes
GD/23 Swedish Anti-dumping Duties Yes