Japan - Restrictions on Imports of Herring, Pollock and Surimi
Other titles
Products at Issue
Products at issue |
Herring, pollock and surimi
Type of product |
Product sub-type |
Fish and fish products
Related disputes
GATT | |
Key legal aspects
Legal basis |
Claims raised |
Defences raised |
Type | |
Legal basis at issue |
Claims at issue |
Defences at issue |
No of Pages (total / legal reasoning) | |
Request for consultations |
Request for establishment | |
Mutually agreed solution |
Outcome of the proceedings |
Consultations held, mutually agreed solution
Additional Info | C/M/207 (30/03/1987) Minutes of Council Meeting (04/03/1987) US: "from 24 to 27 February, Japan and the United States had held a fifth round of Article XXIII:1 consultations in an effort to resolve their differences. In light of the progress made, the United States did not believe it necessary to press for establishment of a panel at this time, but it reserved its right to do so at a future date should the issue not be resolved to its satisfaction." Japan: "confirmed that progress had been made on this matter. Japan agreed that it was not necessary to establish a panel."C/RM/S/8B (04/07/1990) Trade Policy Review Mechanism - Japan - Report by the Secretariat: Reported the dispute and noted that a bilateral solution was reached [no further information on the bilateral solution]. |