United States - Anti-circumvention Inquiry with respect to Colour Television Picture Tubes
Other titles
Products at Issue
Products at issue |
Colour television picture tubes
Type of product |
Product sub-type |
Machinery; electrical and electronic equipment
Related disputes
GATT | |
Key legal aspects
Legal basis |
Claims raised |
Defences raised |
No of Pages (total / legal reasoning) | |
Request for consultations | |
Request withdrawn |
Outcome of the proceedings |
Consultations held, request withdrawn
Additional Info | ADP/M/31 (17/01/1991) Minutes of AD Committee Meeting (29/10/1990) Canada requested inclusion in the agenda to bring the Committee's attention to its request for bilateral consultations. US: looked forward to bilateral consultations with Canada and Mexico.ADP/M/32 (28/06/1991) Minutes of AD Committee Meeting (30/04/1991) US informed that the anti-circumvention inquiry had been concluded in 03/1991 with negative final determinations. Canada and Mexico: the very initiation of the proceedings had been unjustified and unwarranted, but agreed on the matter being removed from the agenda. |