French "Computer Literacy Program"
Other titles
Products at Issue
Products at issue |
Computer and related equipment
Type of product |
Product sub-type |
Machinery; electrical and electronic equipment
Related disputes
GATT | |
Key legal aspects
Legal basis |
Claims raised |
Defences raised |
No of Pages (total / legal reasoning) | |
Request for consultations |
Outcome of the proceedings |
Consultations held
Additional Info | GPR/M/16 (14/06/1985): At its meeting of 1-2 May 1985 "[t]he Committee agreed that bilateral consultations under the relevant provisions of the Agreement should be held between the United States and the Commission of the European Communities as promptly as possible and that, should these fail to bring a satisfactory solution, and should the United States so request, the Committee would reconvene on 5 June 1985 to examine the matter."' GPR/Spec/45 (29/05/1985) Minutes of GPR Committee Meeting (01-02/05/1985) The Committee agreed that bilateral consultations should be held "as promptly as possible and that, should these fail to bring a satisfactory solution, and should the United States so request, the Committee would reconvene on 5 June 1985 to examine the matter." GPR/M/18 (23/08/1985) Minutes of GPR Committee Meeting (19/06/1985) D. Other Business (ii) Computer Procurement Practices: US "referred to the computer purchases made by the French-Code covered entity UGAP (...) French authorities had shown questionable regard for the open and non-discriminatory procedures required by the Agreement. However, dispute settlement seemed of little use since all commercial opportunities had been lost. (...) [B]elieved that a working party should be established under Article VII:2 to examine the implications for the Agreement of the questions raised by this case (...)" At its meeting of 19 June 1985, "[t]he Committee agreed to the establishment of a working party on computer procurement practices, its mandate to be agreed in consultations co-ordinated by the Chairman" with the understanding that such a working party would not be "a substitute for dispute settlement but [would serve] to make a contribution to the improvements drafting exercise [leading to the amendment of the Tokyo round GPR." |