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121 - 135 of 136 results
GD | Dispute title | Complainant | Respondents | Third Party | Adopted | Report Symbol (Date) | Adoption Symbol (Date) |
GD/253 | EEC - Imposition of Anti-dumping Duties on Imports of Audio Cassettes from Japan | No |
GD/254 | Korea - Anti-dumping Duties on Imports of Polyacetal Resins from the United States | Yes |
GD/255 | EEC - Anti-dumping Actions on Cotton Yarn Originating from Brazil | Yes |
GD/256 | United States - Measures Affecting the Export of Pure and Alloy Magnesium from Canada | No |
GD/258 | United States - Measures Affecting Imports of Softwood Lumber from Canada | Yes |
GD/262 | Follow-up on the Panel Report "European Economic Community - Payments and Subsidies Paid to Processors and Producers of Oilseeds and Related Animal-Feed Proteins" | Two interpretations |
GD/265 | Australian Customs Amendment Act 1991 and Countervailing Duty Proceeding Concerning Imports of Glacé Cherries from France and Italy | No |
GD/266 | United States - Restrictions on Imports of Tuna | No |
GD/269 | United States - Taxes on Automobiles | No |
GD/270 | EEC - Member States' Import Regime for Bananas | No |
GD/271 | Brazil - Imposition of Provisional and Definitive Countervailing Duties on Milk Powder and certain Types of Milk from the European Economic Community | Yes |
GD/279 | EEC - Import Regime for Bananas | No |
GD/280 | United States - Definitive Affirmative Injury Determinations Concerning certain Carbon Steel Flat Products from several Member States of the EEC | No |
GD/288 | EEC - Restrictions on Imports of Apples | No |
GD/293 | EEC - Charges on Imports of Apples Originating in Chile | No |