
This section allows to filter GATT dispute settlement reports by various key criteria, including their adoption status. The relevant report and adoption documents can be downloaded by clicking on their document symbols. 

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Date of initiation
46 - 60 of 136 results
GD Dispute title Complainant Respondents Third Party Adopted Report Symbol (Date) Adoption Symbol (Date)
GD/93 Canadian Import Quotas on Eggs Yes
GD/94 EEC - Programme of Minimum Import Prices (MIPS), Licences, and Surety Deposits for Certain Processed Fruits and Vegetables (US) Yes
GD/96 EEC - Measures on Animal Feed Proteins Yes
GD/97 Japan - Measures on Imports of Thrown Silk Yarn Yes
GD/98 United States - Suspension of Customs Liquidation regarding certain Japanese Consumer Electronic Products No
GD/100 Norway - Restrictions on Imports of Certain Textile Products Yes
GD/101 Japanese Measures on Imports of Leather Yes
GD/102 EEC - Refunds on Exports of Sugar - Complaint by Australia Yes
GD/103 EEC - Refunds on Exports of Sugar - Complaint by Brazil Yes
GD/105 European Economic Community - Restrictions on Imports of Apples from Chile Yes
GD/106 Spain - Tariff Treatment of Unroasted Coffee Yes
GD/107 Japan's Measures on Imports of Leather Yes
GD/108 Japan - Restraints on Imports of Manufactured Tobacco from the United States Yes
GD/109 Spain - Measures Concerning the Domestic Sale of Soyabean Oil - Recourse to Article XXIII:2 by the United States No
GD/110 United States - Prohibition of Imports of Tuna and Tuna Products from Canada Yes